Updating the Default Email Addresses – Tutorial

This tutorial will explain how to update the default Website Send Email, Website Receive Email, Portal Admin User Email and Portal Guest User Email.

Website Settings

The Website Send Email is the address that users will receive automatic notifications from. The Website Receive Email is the address that all contact form messages will be sent to.

  • Go to MyDashboards > Administration > Portal Settings > Website Settings.




  • Scroll down to the Website Send Email field and replace the default address with your own email address, ( e.x. admin@yourcrowdfunding.com).


  • Scroll down to the Website Receive Email field and replace the default address with your own email address, ( e.x. admin@yourcrowdfunding.com).


  • Click on the Save Website Settings button at the bottom of the page.

User Settings

Two default users are created when a new client’s site is deployed: Portal Admin User and Portal Guest User. Both of these user emails addresses should be updated to your own address.

  • Go to MyDashboards > Administration > Users




  • Click on the Edit button beside the Portal Admin User.




  • Fill in the Password and Confirm Password fields.


  • In the Email field replace the default address with your own email address, ( e.x. admin@yourcrowdfunding.com).


  • Click on the Apply Changes button and then click on the Back button. Click on the Edit button beside Portal Guest User and update the email address as instructed above.