3 Great Social Platforms to be in when Crowdfunding

In the world of crowdfunding, a considerable amount of people pay close attention to the person or group of people behind the wheel. It is easy for someone to just not be impressed by this cool video and question the “shady” people behind it. It is even tougher if you are entering the crowdfunding arena without much experience. Money is precious to a lot of people and as a result, they will hold on to their money until they are really sold on the idea and simply like you as the person in charge of turning that idea into a reality.  To have the best chances in succeeding, you have to bolster your social presence. Here are 3 platforms you need to consider.


It doesn’t matter what you personally think about Facebook. Having a presence there is absolutely imperative. Facebook allows fans and backers of your crowdfunding project to be part of a marketing push. By making an official Facebook page of your product, you can have these loyal fans “Like” your Facebook page. Then if you have an official website of your product, you can create the typical Facebook page widget and show to new visitors how popular your product is on social media.


Twitter remains as one of the best destinations where people can actually ask questions about your campaign. Users on Twitter can keep the inquiries short and simple and you can reply directly for all followers to see. Like Facebook, you can have loyal backers follow you on Twitter to give your product a bit more credibility. If your product has a unique name, it is possible too for the media to use the name as a hashtag opening up the potential for trending. Your product trending on Twitter will dramatically increase the chances of your product being funded.


Instagram has grown dramatically and is more than just a fun network for teens to take selfies and pictures of their food.  It now has the marketing potential of Facebook and Twitter and you can now post images of any aspect ratio and short videos. Use the video functionality well to demonstrate key parts of your product and you might find your product being liked by a lot of Instagram users.