6 easy steps on how to raise funds

How to raise funds
How to raise funds


Are you looking to raise funds for a cause, foundation, or personal reasons? Are you stuck trying to find the right method/idea and are in need of guidance? This article will teach you how to raise funds in 6 easy steps.

For starters, there are many options available, and solutions that can be used for any particular reason to raise funds. This article will cover a solution that can be used for any type of rewards and donations type of funding scenarios. Below are the 6 easy steps you can take to raise funds.

1. Establish your idea/reason for fundraising

As simple as it may seem, you need to make sure that you have your idea or reason fully established before asking for any funds. You cannot raise funds for no reason, and expect people to donate their money to you. There needs to be a fundamental reason to be raising funds, so people have the motivation to give you their money. Once you establish the idea or reason for funding, you will use this as the main selling point to convince others to donate. Make sure when you are establishing the reason, that you include value for those that are donating to you. There needs to be just as much value for the donor as much as you value their donations.

2. Choose the solution

There are various solutions available to raise funds. This article will focus on using white label technology as it is the most versatile way to raise funds for virtually any type of rewards/donations scenario.

For organizations, solutions such as the Atlas Crowdfunding platform allow you to create a new fully custom fundraising campaign and completely label it as your own. For non-profits and charity organizations, this is the best way to raise funds at a very low cost, without having to use a separate platform or pay any company to add a new feature on to your existing website. This technology works on any type of new or existing website, and the best part is that there are no transaction fees. You simply pay a small monthly fee to use the fundraising capabilities. You can create a new website using the Atlas platform, and start accepting donations for multiple fundraising campaigns or add a campaign to your existing website via simple HTML code using the Sedra widget. You will have full control of the entire functionality of the fundraising campaign, as well as access to the front end source code in case you want to make any adjustments to the code.

Thrinacia offers a free 14-day trial of the Atlas platform in case you want to test it out.

For individuals, there are multiple platforms available that will allow you to create a fundraising campaign for free. Be careful though, as many of these platforms will take a percentage fee for each of the donations to the campaign. If you want to avoid such transaction fees, you can check out the Reach Crowdfunding platform.

3. Create the content

Now that you have a sure reason for raising your funds and you know the solution that you plan to use, you need to create the necessary content to fully explain your situation, and better explain your vision. Explain the reasons why you are funding, what you will do with the funding once you receive it. Content that you can create would include images, video, and a full description of exactly what your plans are, the problem and what type of value the donor will receive if they are going to donate their money to you.

When creating a fundraising campaign, you want to use a convincing video as a means to explain your reason for funding in a fast and compelling way. This will act as the salesman for the campaign.

The below video will show you how to create a campaign.

4. Launch the campaign

Once you have chosen the solution and created all of the necessary content, you can proceed with launching your fundraising campaign. As a tip, you can use a pre-launch campaign to help boost the chances of having a successful campaign.

5. Market your campaign

You need to learn how to market your fundraising campaign. If you are an individual, the term marketing may seem a bit excessive, but it is essentially what you are doing to generate the number of people to donate to the campaign as necessary. It is as simple as sharing the campaing on social media and using other sources to generate more viewers on to your fundraising campaign.

You can use the following facebook group to generate more eyes to your fundraising campaign.

6. Collect the funds

Once you have successfully funded the campaign, you can then collect the funds. It is always good to follow up on the promises that you have made to the donors in the beginning when you created the content. Make sure you are following up on those promises and updating the donors of the campaign. If you collected data for marketing the campaign, make sure you keep that data, as you never know if you will be running another fundraising campaign in the future. You can use the same audience in the future to help other projects you may.