4 tools that can boost your Crowdfunding campaign


Are you considering to start your Crowdfunding campaign? If so, you may want to know about existing tools that can substantially boost your campaign. It is expected that you are going to be on a budget when conducting your Crowdfunding campaign. The below options have been considered so that you can save money while still reaping the benefits from using such tools in your campaign.

Tools that can boost your Crowdfunding campaign

Sedra Widget this tool can help you drive traffic directly to your website instead of the users going on to a Crowdfunding platform. You can easily copy and paste the HTML code provided by Thrinacia. You can gain access to this widget by either using an Atlas SAAS plan or Reach Crowdfunding platform.

Social Media Platforms can be the best way to get the word out about your Crowdfunding campaign. You simply cannot rely on the platform to get you the traffic to reach your Crowdfunding goal. Facebook should be your main focus when utilizing social media platforms for your Crowdfunding campaign. A key tool to be using is Facebook pixel.

Mail Chimp is free to use when on the forever free plan. You can create beautiful email templates, and send them out to a list of people easily. It is a great tool to use for email marketing as well as managing your audience email addresses.

Google Analytics works best if you are driving traffic to your own web page. Google provides a snippet of code, much like the sedra widget, that can be used to track where your traffic is coming from. This can be very helpful to see what marketing avenues are performing the best.