4 bad habits to avoid for campaign creators

Bad Crowdfunding habits to avoid
Bad Crowdfunding habits to avoid

It is no secret that there are many unsuccessful Crowdfunding campaigns. Many of the unsuccessful Crowdfunding campaigns can be due to the same 4 bad habits that we will cover in this article.

1. Minimal research

Many campaign creators decide to launch the campaign way too early with little knowledge of Crowdfunding. Researching Crowdfunding for 1 or 2 weeks is not enough when it comes to launching the campaign. Researching the right Crowdfunding methods, and strategies when it comes to running a campaign will be the backbone of your success. Tips on how to run your campaign will vary, so you need to know what will be the best approach for your campaign. If you think you have a million dollar idea, and that will simply attract people, you are unfortunately mistaken. It is the approach to the campaign, and the strategy which you deploy that will get your campaign the funding needed. There are many successful Crowdfunding campaigns that are created without inventing a new product, they simply have the right strategy and approach when it comes to running a successful Crowdfunding campaign. Be sure that you have taken months to do the right amount of research for your campaign so that you are not missing out on any important steps along the way. Reading such blog posts from reputable sources that post daily content can keep you up to date, and informed for when you decide to launch your campaign.

2. Hoping the platform will do the work

There are many campaign creators that join forums, facebook groups, etc that ask the same question, “where should I launch my Crowdfunding campaign?“. Although this is a good question to ask, many depend on the platform to be attracting all of the attention to their Crowdfunding campaign. In reality, choosing a platform is not a big part of the campaign, as long as you can share your campaign among all of the social media platforms, and have the ability to email your campaign links to others, it plays a small part in the actual success. The large, and well-known Crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and GoFundMe are all examples of the types of platforms that people hope will get them what they want… More backers. To harness the full potential of these types of platforms, you need to already be running an amazing platform. The only way that your particular Crowdfunding campaign will be recognized is if it reaches a particular amount of the fundraising goal. In other words, you will only receive help from the popular Crowdfunding platforms if your campaign is likely going to be a success. Even when the campaign is a success, it still has to compete with the other successful campaigns to be featured on the platform. This valuable information is not always received by all campaign creators as many campaigns are unsuccessful across the Crowdfunding market.

3. Lousy content

On top of the bad habits as mentioned above, there are many campaign creators that do not take the time to add the right content. Note that most of the unsuccessful Crowdfunding campaigns could likely have succeeded by simply adding better content. There needs to be a great and intriguing campaign video, and a lot of written content with images included in the description of the campaign. For those that want to offer your backers, even more, you can create rewards to further pursued potential backers to donate.

4. Poor marketing efforts

Lastly, the marketing efforts among the unsuccessful campaigns are atrocious. There are a select number of campaigns that make a minimal effort by sharing the campaign on social media, and some that don’t even make any effort at all. Marketing is the single most important aspect of the campaign. It is going to be the driving factor that will reach more people to donate to your campaign. Many successful campaigns utilize a pre-launch campaign strategy or even hire a specialist.

It is apparent that many campaign creators have a combination of the  above mentioned bad habits. Do not be discouraged to run a Crowdfunding campaign if just because there are many unsuccessful campaigns in the past. Now that you understand the reasons why many campaings are not successful, you can feel assured that you will take the right course of action to reach your funding goal.